Early Motor Questionnaire
How activity during pregnancy could impact infant motor development
Current Project Spotlight: Eli Anish
Looking at Autism, Motor Development, and Executive Function
How does gender impact play?
Links between prenatal stress in pregnancy, motor development, and infant temperament
Current Project Spotlight: Darcy Smith
Parenting in the East Asian Community
The Benefits of Infants Swimming
The acquisition of gender labels in infancy: Implications for sextyped play (2009)
Stimulating the motor development of very premature infants
Toy preferences between boys and girls
How bodily coordination impacts the early stages of walking in infants.
How are Motor Skills are seen internationally?
Infant's motors skills across different cultures!
Do parental interventions affect motor skills?
Hypothyroidism in pregnant mothers: Long-term effects from the womb to early childhood!
Reasons mother's bedshare. Some benefits to bedsharing with your infant!
Too little to eat? Bad for baby's development!
Let's get physical - Movement recommendations for your kids
Do your kids have an iPhone? They may be at risk for “cyber flashing.”